Welcome to the Sunrise Village website and thank you for visiting! Sunrise Village is a new community located in the beautiful city of Sidney, Montana, the county seat for Richland County. Only ten miles from the border of North Dakota, the city looks out on the banks of the Yellowston River. With its close proximity to Williston, North Dakota and the bustling oil industry of the Bakken, Sidney has become a robust growing community of over 5,000 residents and 400 businesses. Sidney is a delightful place to live. Its ideal location allows people to live, work and raise their family while enjoying an abundance of recreational activities close to home.
Sunrise Village is a master plan community that includes Community parks, Single family homes, multifamily living, and neighborhood businesses. We invite you to experience, for yourself, the convenience, serenity and natural beauty of Sidney, Montana. With Sunrise Village as your new home, your family can embrace a rare lifestyle in the lush prairies of Eastern Montana and discover what natural beauty, luxury living, family-inspired community and the great outdoors can do to expand your family’s horizon.